29 de outubro de 2014

Poems from Earth * day ThREE

Play play, make it fake!
Hurray hurray, life is a party.
Life is a party even when you look like a zombie.
A zombie?
What does that look like?
We are dead and we want to become alive.
So we come to the shopping mall.
Hurray hurray!
I see someone.
Is it really human?
Or is it a zombie?
We play, play, play,
making it fake...
lets put some make up!
Making it bright.
Waking up...
Shopping malls are Divine...
Divinity is in ALL,
even when we crumble and fall.
When we look like that,
just smile...
what is it that makes us smile?
No one will notice how sad we are,
no one will see the rage we are,
smile... lets put up some make up,
some new clothes,
acting as a movie star
and no one will really care
for the way we truly are.
Smile, smile and play,
play as if we are in the movies...
Having fun, fun, fun...
They keep shining, the rays of the sun,
nature still invites us to come
and not to fight.
Eat, eat, eat all that you can!
I am you in every bite.

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