26 de novembro de 2018

Love to Women : )

“Violence is a sign of despair and weakness” Dalai Lama

We have been taught to fight to be right and that is the sure way to war. The way to peace is to choose LOVE.

We have also been taught to not confront people and to avoid conflicts, when it’s what we most need in order to have healthy relationships and to grow.

We have also been taught to always be doing something. We are now starting to include meditation and quiet spaces in schools – that makes me so happy!
We deserve to take care of ourselves, to have moments of rest when our intuition can speak to us, to be in nature and hear the birds singing.

Yesterday was the international day against violence on women and i would start to say that the title is suggesting some kind of violence, a defense. I would call it THE INTERNATIONAL DAY OF LOVE TO WOMEN, so that we can focus on what we wish to magnetize.

Some people are in despair which provoques violence around, because they are feeling things and most of us were not educated to feel with clarity our basic feelings: joy, fear, saddness and rage, to distinguish emotions, to accept all that we are. As human beings we are here to navigate our most accurate inner compass: how we feel.

As a woman i have come to realize in my 44 years of existence that violence only comes to me when i don’t listen to my intuition, when i choose to ignore my wisdom and try to push things, when the universe and my feelings are communicating something to me and i’m not being able to integrate it.

When I honor my inner space, everything around me just flows beautifully or when i give thanks to people around me – in words, gestures and actions.

At first i learned to say “no” and to use my rage in a mature way to keep my space protected from what i didn’t wish in my life. Then i realized i was being sometimes too agressive and taking myself too seriously.

I have also discovered that when I don’t allow myself to receive help and suggestions, or when i don’t rest, or give myself time and space to be able to communicate with clarity, is when my consciousness drops and all kinds of violence start happening, because in the first place i was doing it to myself.

After years of practice and train, it happened that my inner conviction was strong enough to say “yes” to all the things that nurture and expand my inner self-love:
To accept help;
To honor my space;
To respect myself and others;
To be vulnerable enough to receive other people’s opinions wihtout losing mine and trying new things and approaches.

By focusing in this, all the rest starts to fall off naturally, after years of dedication to this.

I have learned in the most violent moments of my life that it wouldn’t have happened if i hadn’t been so stuborn. If I had stoped to focus so much on what i wanted and focus more on what the other also needs.

I have learned that rage – towards others and/or ourselves is the cause of being focused on something from the past or a fear about the future that needs to go out and be expressed. The most important is that it should be expressed in a sacred loving space.

I had the privilegie to react all that i dind’t have permission to react when i was younger in a supporting loving sapce and from this deep healing I have discovered love.

For a flower to blossom it needs to be open! :-D So I would say that we need to learn to say “yes” after learning to say “no”.

I say yes to love : )

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