25 de agosto de 2014

The Tears Drop

The tears drop..
Like luminous rain
or a fresh waterfall in my inner queendom
puting me in contact with my pain
and with my infinite inner wisdom.
The illusion dissolves..
All there is is love… pure love…
Pure awareness of who we truly are….
Tears falling…
Also memories and the past
Tears falling and the healing of the heart ….
After the tears, some questions arise…
Where is the ego?
Where did it go?
With every tear,
Of true surrender,
More veils go out,
More truth I allow.
Nothing else is that serious anymore
our reality does not remain as before
for tears they uncover
all that there is and more.
The tears reveal the acceptance of all
That there is to SEE
And as each one of my tears fall,
More space within is created for me to BE.

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