13 de junho de 2024

Tiorey Magic.


In April 2024, I called a dear friend that I know for more than ten years now. We were together initiated to Light Language (Sacred Geometry) and have shared many moments of our magic with many friends. Usually it’s him who calls me, inviting me to his sacred ceremonies.

This time, I was the one calling just because I connected intuitively with him on that day. I shared with him some of the teachings I have learned recently for a conscious passage to death. A few hours later, his mother passed away.

Because of this synchronicity, I had the honor and privilege of being invited to a very special Japanese Mahikari Ceremony dedicated to the Ancestors.

This was one of the most beautiful ceremonies I have ever participated in. A highly advanced spiritual way of helping the deceased to leave his attachments on earth and move on with their spiritual teachings and adventures on the other side.

The whole ceremony was filled with light, love and miracles. The most special moment happened when Tiorey was being sung. I visualized hundreds of golden angels flying in the area of the altar. Some of them had scissors, and they were cutting the attachments. The frequency that they were singing was one of the purest ones I have ever heard before. In another very special moment, I saw and felt a portal opening up into another dimension, in which I had the singular experience of hearing what was being said as if I had heard it before in the other dimension, as if preparing to die in that space to come to the earth. The strong impression I had was that the vows were very similar – either to leave or come into this world.

Thank you. 

Photo Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Butsudan


4 de junho de 2024

Departure of João Mateus


It happened fourteen years ago, but I believe this was a moment where time ceased to exist. Besides this, what happened was so beautiful that it is still ahead of this time, especially because it took place in Portugal. My son was indeed a very special being for having manifested this:

"We were going to move to a new home… after three years at my parents’ house I finally had Peace, Humility and in a moment of deep anguish I asked my father to support us materially. I could no longer stand the environment at home… an energy of constant challenge when João Mateus and I just wanted Peace. From that moment of deep humility that we were at Peace, I no longer reacted to the need of criticizing and blaming to obtain energy and dominate the space at home. I also felt like I had already learned what I needed from them. The last three years had been a time of deep self-analysis and healing.

But a part of me knew that something wasn’t right with this change… I was starting to schedule things in my diary again and, as I was writing them down, scheduling the future, a voice kept saying “this isn’t right”, but I just ignored it. I was doing my best. In my case, I needed to make a lot of mistakes, suffering a lot to get to the point of accepting them as part of being human, and to realize that I really am always doing my best. That I also need to take it easy. And I was taking it very calmly. With lots of Love and awareness but still doing too much. Still wanted to lead my life too much. Still needed to deeply believe that changes would happen. And at the same time, I was in a state of grace many times. A lot of learning in recent years. A lot of suffering. And recently a lot of genuine understanding.

I remember that on the morning the accident happened, I had sung “Amor, I Love You” in response to a comment from Albertino (my father). And my thought was “Woooow, miracles are really possible”.

Also that week I had commented to Rosarinho (the woman who gave birth to me) and Albertino “You have no idea how different we all are… if we had a video of us three years ago, it would blow our minds!”

For a few months now, everything I did for my parents I dedicated to God.

In the two weeks before the accident, João Mateus and I took the ferry from Trafaria to Belém practically every day. What peace… how affectionate, carrying João Mateus on my lap on the journey to the other side. And how fun and simple it is to look at the seagulls, the water bubbles and the crystal-clear colored foam, to see the boat’s crumpled tires, “so as not to hurt the boat when it arrives at the dock”, I said to him.

Rosário was the one taking us to the boat, by car, and in the last two days João Mateus said “I want to go to paradise with Rosário”. Last week he had said this in relation to Albertino. Paradise was our destination, sometimes in the toy cars at the playgrounds – João Mateus was the one who guided us there. And he wanted to go there with Rosário and Albertino.

The night before the accident happened, I had a dream in which Rosário and I were in a public place with João Mateus, suddenly, as we were getting on the tram, we got in and I noticed that João Mateus was left behind… Rosário had no action and, up front, I talk to the driver explaining that my son had been left behind and he says “oh, now it takes 1 month to locate him” and I respond “Hey, there’s no need for that, I know where he is” and I left. I found another tram and tried to catch it , but as it wasn’t his stop they didn’t give me a ride. The dream ended there.

On the trip to Belém, on the morning of the accident, he asked “Shall we take the tram?” and I replied “No, let’s go to school”.

The main teacher of the school group was on leave, tired and I had been talking the day before with her assistant who was now looking after the group with another school assistant. That morning, the morning of the accident, I had a meeting scheduled with one of the School Directors to talk about my impressions. The day before, I had sent an email to parents saying what I felt – that the Main Educator needed help and that the team needed to communicate more. I had already mentioned in another meeting that the atmosphere at the School was austere, but I didn’t have the courage to go deeper because that wasn’t my space. In my world, I couldn’t invade that space with my boldest ideas. I always maintained contact with the group, but with many reservations, afraid of being myself. I never had the courage to share what I really felt with the children, and say everything I felt. I was saying it little by little because I believed it would be a process, but decided to ignore a lot of things that day, that with this great lesson, I wouldn’t do. In fact, about a year ago I had a dream with the message “Grow up, you can do it”, and I pursued that dream for a while but I became soft again. Things didn’t go well, I wasn’t ready yet, I thought, it didn’t materialize. Looking back, as I followed this dream, I once again felt an enthusiasm that some time ago I was only able to feel with João Mateus.

And that morning more children and more parents came to help. João Mateus asked me “Are you coming to the woods?” and I said “No, I’ll talk to Elsa (School Director).” I gave him a kiss and he went there, full of energy.

Whenever I was at school he gained even more confidence, and sometimes would leave the group to go further. There were even times when, before going to meet him in the space where he was, I would meditate a little in the woods and only then go to him. And it happened twice that he came out of the gate and ran into my arms at the precise moment I arrived! No need for communication, nothing… just following what I felt.

That morning, I spoke to the Director… about what I felt with a lot of Love. Without demanding anything, just sharing what I felt. The entire process of adapting to the School was slow, progressive and supported by God. I say supported by God because it was difficult, and I didn’t give up. Something called me there… Every day. On the first day I left João Mateus at school all day, I had a near-death experience. It was the first detachment, in a painful and a spiritual experience that marked my belief in Jesus Christ. I explain a little why. That day, after dropping João Mateus off at school, I felt Jesus Christ was with me, and I put myself in a vulnerable situation, believing in my light and in God. Maria (Mary) , Esperança (Hope) and José (Joseph) came to help me! Manuel was also there, whose name in Hebrew means “God is with us”. From that day on, I reached a place of truth with myself like never before, and of deep belief in something beyond this life.

João Mateus never took conventional medication. He had Whooping Cough after that first day when I left him at school all day. Also because I wasn’t able to pick him up that day after the incident. For two weeks I just gave him love, affection, I took care of him as I knew so well. Since he was born, I abandoned everything. I was a full-time mother. I knew him very well. I created many songs inspired by him and to explain our world to him. Sometimes I thought that we lived the movie “The Sound of Music” every day because I really sang a lot.

I learned from him to observe nature and to love being in nature in silence and contemplation. Since he was born I wanted to live all the theory I had inside me. Everything I had ever read about education, about life, about the highest ideals, I wanted to live with him. Everything I felt I did. I did everything I could. I really gave my best at every moment. I learned from him to accept mistakes. Doing my best. Doing, doing, doing what I believe in. I assume dmy authority, also with my parents! But there was still a lack of courage to abandon the materially secure nest, very far from the life I wanted to live. I asked several people for help but it wasn’t timely. Perhaps I also didn’t ask enough times and with the necessary conviction and persistence.

And his adaptation to the School continued. Two weeks after the onset of whooping cough, I went to speak with our doctor, who follows anthroposophic medicine, whose biggest difference from conventional medicine is seeing the Human Being also as a Spiritual Being. She gave us a homeopathic medicine and we both took it. A mixture of plants that helps you to be less afraid. As soon as we got better, he went back to school and I finally started to recover from the last two years of deep work as a mother, and inner introspection. As we spent a lot of time in silence and in nature, I got in touch with myself like never before.

Looking back now, I see how I was suffering, how demanding I was of myself. And how alone I was. Especially in João Mateus’ first two years. And the truth is that I did what I had never had the courage to do before. I gave myself to life like never before. With an overwhelming intensity. I started to believe in God because it was his Light that helped me fall asleep at night after extremely tiring days.

After going to school I started to take better care of myself again. Giving myself space alone. Before becoming a mother, I didn’t value silence and my space.

On that morning I spoke to the Director. When it was over, the boys were returning from the woods. And I decided that I didn’t want to see João Mateus, so as not to interfere with the group, to follow my path. But for some reason I stayed a little longer. I saw everyone coming except João Mateus. I looked at the assistant coming over looking worried, but I decided not to get too involved, and even gave her a little pat on the arm. Already on the other side of the gate, I asked a mother who was following the group “Where is João Mateus?” and she replied “Hmmmm… it’s there, with the other boys” and I trusted her. On that moment, I felt it was a goodbye. I was trusting, surrendering to God, allowing João Mateus to live his life. I left and was undecided where to go. My cell phone was silent as usual and I went to the city where I didn’t hear it (cell phone). I wandered around, until I decided to go to a restaurant and I was confirmed that it was the ideal place, as I found a place right outside!

I remember thinking that morning “Has João Mateus already forgotten that he is Divine?” This is because his development and integration into Life was absolutely incredible.

I had lunch and walked around again until it was time to take the Biodanza class. On that class, exceptionally, there was a mother with her daughter and I remember thinking “This mother reminds me of my slavery with my son in the first two years of his life…”

And then, I left the class, get in the car and looked at my cell phone – fourteen missed calls from the school… making me think “Sh*t! What an exaggeration!" Then something in me woke up… “Hey, something must have happened”. I felt my heart beat faster when I realized that one of my biggest fears had happened. Yes, it was a great fear that I never let myself be carried away by. I deeply believe that when something has to happen, it happens. There is no chance. So I called back and the other Director answered the phone and said crying “Sorry… João Mateus is in the hospital”, and I heard an inner voice saying “Hmmmm… it’s very serious, so it’s important to stay calm. Go to the Hospital very calmly, ask the Angels for help and keep your energy focused in what needs to be done. Yes, because if he's at the hospital it is because something can still be done.” 

I decided not to ask for details, so as not to get lost in my imagination. My questions were “Which hospital is he in?”, “In normal emergencies?”, and then said “Everything is ok Sofia. See you soon.” and there I went, very calmly, with the necessary peace for my well-being and to not waste energy. 

I called Klaus (João Mateus’s father who lived in Alentejo at that time) and explained what had happened, asking him to come, if it was possible. Then I also called our doctor when I was almost arriving. As I didn’t know what had happened, I remembered that João Mateus didn’t have vaccinations and that if he had been punctured or something like that, it would be very important to give that information to the hospital team and possibly extra information that the doctor thought was ok. What the doctor said was that they knew what to do. And there I continued, following the signs very calmly so as not to get lost and waste energy. This inner peace on the journey to the Hospital was the result of a lot of learning in recent years in which I realized the total uselessness of worrying and above all the suffering and waste of energy that worry generates. I repeated the same mistake so many times that I had finally learned something.

I arrived and they explained what happened. The situation was worrying. He had drowned at school and had spent 40 minutes without breathing, without a heartbeat. I remember I just wanted to go to him, to see him and feel him and take action.

1st day

Wednesday – May 26, 2010.

It was the day he was two years and eight months old.

As soon as I saw him, I felt him still present. When I started singing the song “The Moon, the stars, nothing compares to your beauty. You were born to enchant and inspire. And say that I love you, I love you, I love you” he reacted. His body temperature was low, but my energy was so strong that after a short time his body temperature began to rise. I had one hand in his hand and my other hand was on the palm of one of his feet.

In addition to this passage of energy, I sang all the songs that came from my heart. I spoke his favorite jokes. I did everything to bring him back. I didn’t think about anything… And he really started coming back! When Klaus arrived, he also reacted. After a few hours he even opened his eyes again!

During breaks from work inside, I would go to nature, be with the trees, and vent what was going on inside. To cry. Cry a lot. Talk to God. Saying everything I was feeling. And I asked “If I have something to say to you God, my will is for him to come back.” 

Everything is possible and I really believed that anything was possible. We spent the night with him, me and Klaus. With spaces to rest. Well, within the conditions of the Hospital, which only has reclining chairs and a room with two chairs for a Service for many children. I know it has been evolving but it has really been at a snail’s pace because the conditions are very bad for anyone who wants to support someone who is in intensive care. During the night, nurses also live in very precarious conditions.

We were very hopeful that he would return and prepared for whatever came! Yes, at that moment everything that had separated us in recent years, me and his father, disappeared. We just wanted him back.

2nd day

Thursday – May 27, 2010

We spoke to the doctor early in the morning and were told that in situations like these the chance of survival is very low and if he survived, he would have permanent brain damage.

And it was then they decided to do a CT scan and wham! Magic, after what happened the CT scan showed no permanent injuries. At that time he was still breathing on his own – when he took the exam it was without the ventilator. I passed this information on to the people who accompanied us and it was truly the first miracle and an immense source of Faith.

Meanwhile his temperature had gone to fever. In the morning I started putting lemon slices on the palms of his feet – a trick that our doctor had taught me as a natural technique to help reduce his fever, and the truth is that he was already dancing with his body. He was even lifting his arms and his legs were very sensitive. The day shift nurse was a Chinese medicine student and she taught us another trick and it worked! I felt like we were really on the right track!

Throughout the day I asked for Support up there and asked for Light. And that’s what I felt… I felt a lot of light. I relived many moments with João Mateus, the good and the bad. I thanked the good ones and asked for forgiveness for the bad ones. The most recurrent bad scene was when I forced him to relax to fall asleep, forcing him to be in my arms – he kicked, cried and then fell asleep. It happened a few times, about 10 times, but they were moments that clearly reflected my despair at being emotionally alone and taking care of a child. Being in a house where I couldn’t relax because there were so many things I didn’t agree with, eating sugar, watching television, hearing 200 “No’s” in the space of one minute, anyway… and I had never had the courage to move… because of material security. And I also remembered how sometimes I was a tyrant and how many times he asked me for chocolate and I said “No”. I remember talking to him in the hospital and saying “Yes, you can eat all the chocolate you want for a day.” But of course, the most important thing was to be with people with our way of being and thinking. All the thoughts that were going through my head, I was aware of them, I spoke to João Mateus and said “I always did my best. And I will do even better. I will learn a lot from this lesson.”

From the first day we started asking several people and spiritual centers for help to send light. At the end of that afternoon, I received a call from a friend who was in contact with him on a spiritual level and who told me that he (João Mateus) didn’t know what was going on. That he needed to understand. He was asking me to talk to him.

And so I did, I started asking the nurses and doctors what was wrong with him and explaining to him. I then started to notice how important it was for me to have more contact with the hospital team. How it was so important. And I also realized that no one else could do my job. This person also said something very important “João Mateus wants you to be present in his growth” and this gave me the strength to start something very real with Klaus… I told him things that I had never had the courage to say before, and we agreed that we would do everything possible to accompany João Mateus’ growth together. I remember that after the first conversation in this regard, after crying convulsively and sharing myself on a very deep level, I imagined João Mateus looking at me sideways and saying “Hmmmmm… that’s a start… good effort! “ and I laughed!

The beginning of the night arrived, and I was invited by the group that had been meeting outside since the first day to sing and pray for João Mateus. I made a circle with them and it was magical. The energy was incredible and I left there with a lot of light and inspiration. I continued my work.

At the end of the 2nd day in the hospital I was tired! Exhausted… It was midnight, only one father could stay. I was craving for sleep and I remembered one of the most valuable lessons from my Master João Mateus – going to the World also means that I have to take care of myself, and rest when I need it. During my trips to nature, when I thought about death, the trees danced with the breeze which, in my experience in nature, is a confirmation of the thought, but I didn’t want to accept it.

And with tiredness, the imagination activated… I also began to imagine him tired and to imagine that after such a huge trauma and having spent so much time on the other side that recovery would be slow. I felt it was a great effort for him to continue to receive my encouragement, songs and calls. The father stayed with him and I went to sleep at the house of a friend of the school director. Her generosity was impressive. It was wonderful to have slept. I was really tired.

3rd day

Friday – May 28, 2010

When I arrived in the morning, João Mateus was very calm. His eyes had closed again. He had a beautiful expression. And a belly the size of a balloon. He wasn’t able to digest. That day I worked a lot and talked a lot with him. I asked for forgiveness for everything I hadn't been able to do throughout our journey together, and I thanked him for all his teachings. I told him mentally everything I felt. I was very aware of everything. I helped him digest things by doing leg exercises and putting my hand on his stomach. A lot of work that went on throughout the night. Always explaining to him what was going on. When he finally pooped it was incredible! The nurses who work with this type of situation every day were amazed at the way I deal with poop. It took two years and eight months to help João Mateus poop – he did it without a diaper, on request, since he was four months old. And the first time I heard his doctor say “beautiful poop” I adopted that expression as being the most natural thing in the world! And the truth is that he managed to expel it all! It looked like chocolate mousse but of course the smell was horrible, especially because of the medication he had taken in the last few days.

But let’s go back for a while - during the day they did an MRI on João Mateus, I remember a voice telling me “Say you don’t want any of this”, but I didn’t have the courage to follow that voice. What the doctors didn’t understand was how he didn’t react to his tests without having injuries. And as in hospitals there is an immense need to follow the rush and try to explain everything scientifically, they wanted to do the exam. I accompanied him singing and after a certain point they no longer let me in. I felt like something in me had broken. When he had done the CT scan they let me in, and I sang continuously for us. It was a beautiful moment of Faith. In the case of resonance it was a different process. I was also more tired. Anyway, outside, I made movements and requests for help for Angels to support him. I felt alone at that time, without the courage to tell the doctors what I felt. I was very alone with João Mateus, isolated from everything else. I was still very much in the role of a lonely mother, unable to mobilize people, to say what I felt, to make a difference, to ask for even more help, to believe in my intuition.

During the time of going to the place where the MRI was performed, taking the exam and returning, a period of around an hour and a half passed in which João Mateus was without the ventilator, that is, breathing on his own and also without medication. This time was also long because the first time we went we lacked authorization to carry out the exam. I remember being happy but then we went again… I felt that something would change with that exam, but I didn’t have the courage to follow what I felt. To say “No!, let’s wait". Also because I was already tired of the process. Something that characterizes me, that I have been improving since becoming a mother is doing things full of strength at first and then not being able to maintain that energy. This was another case and another step in my learning.

And I prayed a lot, what I felt, I asked to sing over and over again “João Mateus’ Guardian Angel, bring him back well” and I imagined his Guardian Angel bringing him back.

But really, after the MRI something changed.

That night we spoke to a doctor who saw the MRI saying that they only saw damage to the brain stem, the primitive brain. She added that the injuries were not permanent. The result of the resonance indicated that the primitive side of the brain, the one that takes care of the body’s basic functions such as eating, pooping, walking, etc., had a fibroid. I explained it to João Mateus and again my friend spoke to me and asked me to explain to João Mateus what he could do with this injury. According to her, João Mateus was trying to return to his body but something was different. And it was important for him to understand what was going on and know what he could do with a damaged body part. What I felt at that time on a deep level was that he (João Mateus) was helping us to understand what was also happening on a medical level and preparing us for something. On the other hand, he was very confident because his teacher at school had dreamed that he was in an egg and that he was trying to break the shell to get out. At first he couldn’t do it, but then he broke the shell and ran to me. And I stayed with him that night, doing my job of explaining to him what was going on.

4th day

Saturday – May 29, 2010

Dawn came and we continued our intensive process. Also with Klaus. I remembered that at one point he was going to run away and I didn’t let him! And I was so happy that João Mateus was making so many miracles happen. This is really very strong – bringing the parents back together so they can finally say everything they feel. That’s what I did, for the first time. I cleared a lot of thoughts and things from the past in this process. I spoke, I spoke, I said everything that came to mind!

It was the 4th day in the hospital and I continued to talk to João Mateus about everything I felt, I continued to ask for forgiveness for everything I had done “wrong”, everything I could have done differently and I told him that I would always continue to do my best and that yes, something would change in my life. I sang, explained, spoke to nurses and doctors about what I felt, asked questions, in short, I felt that I was a channel of strong presence in that space so full of machines and sick children.

This day was very difficult because João Mateus was no longer responding like he used to. The only stronger reactions I remember were when Klaus massaged his ear. And when Klaus sang a song, a tear fell. On that day we spoke to a Neurologist who saw the MRI and who told us that there was no chance of him ever going back to the way he was before the accident. I continued to be full of hope and believe in miracles, even after this long day.

Night approached and I was very tired again. I had to go. This time I went to a hotel close to the hospital and as soon as I entered I saw three paraplegics in wheelchairs who were coming from a sports competition. I immediately gained new encouragement and thought “Yes, this could be one of João Mateus’ destiny – a champion”. And I even imagined that it could be swimming after what happened. And I also remember thinking that Klaus and I would do everything to make sure he had the necessary conditions, but I couldn't imagine myself living the life of a martyr. Nor Klaus. Nor João Mateus.

I slept and when I woke up in the middle of the night (2 am) I called the hospital. Klaus said he had a beautiful expression, his lips were relaxed. And I, in the room, drew a healing drawing for João Mateus’ brain. After a few minutes Klaus called back and I felt it wasn’t for a good reason. His tension was very low, everything was decreasing again, including the temperature. For that reason, the hospital team allowed us both to stay there.

I came back full of new energy and remembered what I had done in the beginning and gave him my hands. The temperature rose a little again. But something had changed… his tummy was flat, finally. And the tension remained very low.

5th day

Sunday – May 30, 2010

Day of the Holy Trinity

This 5th day was a carousel of emotions and very profound events, bathed in immense faith and dedication. It was the day of the Holy Trinity. And one of my uncles had consecrated him to the Holy Trinity. At the time I was far from these facts but the truth is that I sat on the edge of his bed and asked God for a sign. After a few seconds, his tension miraculously rises and a nurse who was passing by dropped a tub of water! I felt the signal very strong, I had already learned from my Master to give myself to life and to God and I spoke to one of the directors of the School who brought together the group that had been meeting at night since the first night in the hospital and with whom I had already danced and prayed, and I asked her to call all the people who believed in miracles to come… it was around 10 o’clock and they started to come… I felt a lot of energy and a lot of Love. The feeling was beautiful! I also spoke to the medical team and said “Ok, now we can do some nonsense. We are really in the miracle phase.” 

And I asked them to take João Mateus out of bed so that I could hold him. And so it happened. His heart started beating faster, and his tension also increased to acceptable levels. I truly believed that anything was possible. A doctor who had been with him on Friday even came to replace a doctor for a brief moment but enough for us to talk about his case and he actually, without observing it, said that the fibroid reaches its critical phase on the 5th day, but that afterwards it can start to decrease. I was totally excited! Klaus found a contact for a hospital that heals with imagination, and when he was calling that hospital (Petrov Fund), the doctors wanted to talk to us. He looked very different, his eyes were closed, he was no longer breathing on his own, anyway. I remember that before I started this conversation I had a top on and something in me blocked me from wearing that top without a coat. I feel like it was at that moment that everything changed. I was, due to tiredness, and also past beliefs, caring about others. Letting myself be influenced…I wasn’t yet prepared for a miracle like this. And then, the doctors spoke about the importance of making a decision regarding the possibility of donating the organs. This is because according to their tests, everything indicated that João Mateus’ brain was dead.

And so I asked God for a sign again, sitting alone on the edge of João Mateus’ bed. And Klaus comes, with a message from a medium (Sílvia) from a center in Switzerland who had been sending light, in a group, to João Mateus in the last few days. The message was: “I’m doing great now. My current state allows me to do optimal service to humanity. I want the group to think about my parents and send them comfort. Sílvia tells them to sing a song for my parents: Ámen, Ámen, Ámen. They will understand.”

For me this message was goodbye. And I accepted and went to the group that was outside singing and shared one of my Master’s teachings from recent years “It takes as much courage to continue as sometimes to stop” and I vented what was in my soul and the group took a new direction: supporting the next phase with all our dedication, Love and devotion.

We decided to donate the organs and at 10pm he was transferred to donate his heart to a baby in Portugal and his liver to a baby in Spain.

For me, this time in the hospital was the perfect time to say goodbye, for conversations, for everything that was done. Looking back, I was just living every moment, very intensely. Without thinking. It was a precious time. I am very grateful for everything.

My prayer for the trip that João Mateus made to the place where the organs were removed and also feeling the journey of the organs to the various locations was “that this donation brings inspiration and hope to whoever is involved in this process. Amen (may this or something better happen).”

After saying goodbye to him, we went to a place near the sea and Klaus and I slept all night. Before we had a conflict where he was running away again and I asked him to stay! We were really tired!

The next morning I saw, for the first time, a light moving up in the ceiling, aligned and in tune with a ringing in my ear . It was beautiful…

I went down to have breakfast and at a key moment I heard the song “Hope I live to tell the secrets I have lived until now, or they will burn inside of me”, and I realized that I didn’t want to do much more than continue the blessing of life sharing my life lessons.

That day I asked José to make João Mateus’ coffin – a boat and I asked Maria to make a white tunic for the body on the day of his homage and cremation, having the intuition that it would be on the day of the Body of Christ. All of this came to me very naturally! The 1st person I spoke with was my Uncle José who said he didn’t have time to build the boat, the 2nd was my Uncle Manuel who was left thinking, and then I remembered José, the gardener who took care of the School’s garden and who helped to resuscitating João Mateus after he drowned and "Plim", as soon as I told him about it, he said it would be an honor. And he made the boat at the School… so beautiful… with our help (mine and Klaus) and with the help of several parents in the final sanding phase. The day it was prepared coincided with the arrival of many parents at the school for a meeting. The moment was magical. No words were needed for everyone to understand what that little boat was.

Maria is Maria do Rosário, Rosarinho from the beginning of this story, João Mateus’ grandmother who at the end of the task said “This was the most difficult task you have ever given me”. The truth is that the tunic was splendid. But I’m already way ahead.

The day after João Mateus’ death, on the day of the Holy Trinity, after having made my requests to José and Maria, I went to rest during the day and at the end of the afternoon I went to the school directors, a teacher and another mother and we stayed together for the night.

We talked about a lot. The Truth came to light. The mother who had told me that João Mateus was in the group knew that he had already run away. And the assistant teacher also knew it, but they didn’t tell me anything that morning when I was still at school. I felt peace knowing it, and knew we would talk about it soon. One of the School Directors also told me that on the day João Mateus drowned, a friend of hers had dreamed that she received a message on her cell phone: “João Died” and the dream was so real that when she woke up she went to see if she had this message on her cell phone. She had this dream without knowing anything. A friend of mine also felt at that time that João Mateus was no longer on Earth, without knowing anything. For me, these testimonies are proof that we really are capable of communicating telepathically and that we are all connected. It was a wonderful night. In the morning we went back to school and Klaus also came. It was a wonderful, splendid sunny day. Happiness was what I felt that space was emanating. José started building the boat that day.

Klaus and I had already thought about energetically cleaning the space where João Mateus drowned. We went there and felt a lot of tension. We spoke loudly, released that tension, looked at each other, undressed and went swimming there. They had already emptied the tank and it was almost full again. As soon as I fell into the water, I saw an eagle in the sky, feeling immense happiness. For me, the eagle confirmed that Klaus and I were able to see this whole situation with eagle eyes, from a different perspective than other animals that live in contact with the land. A very different perspective. And we swam, we had fun, we danced in the water and at one point I remember feeling like a dolphin. And, for me, this was the best cleaning we could have done, for us, for João Mateus and for the space. Then we said a prayer with incense. Well, Klaus did that while I climbed a tree to eat medlars. They were the most delicious medlars of my life!

I remember thinking at a certain point that it was even possible that João Mateus’ drowning had been very peaceful, nothing like what I had imagined in the Hospital.

Afterwards we had lunch with the school team that was cleaning, and then we went to rest. It was in this moment of rest that I reviewed the days in the hospital and wrote down dates, signs, in short, much of what is factually described in this story.

The next day, Klaus and I worked on our emotions a lot. We talked a lot with one another.

In the afternoon we went to the School and, in the woods, we spoke to the people who were with João Mateus on the morning of the accident. We reviewed everything, and I felt immense happiness that the truth had been spoken without fear of judgement. Without fear that we would blame them for what happened. The assistants didn’t say anything to me that morning because they believed they would find him as was customary. The truth is that I believe that we speak with our eyes, and I consented to everything, and I didn’t feel guilty because I always did my best and wanted to get on with my life. At that time I was so blind that I couldn’t imagine a life different from the traditional city life where the children are in their gilded cages, and we pretend that it doesn’t matter because we have our challenges. I accepted everything. I understood everything. It was a very beautiful moment of deep sharing and, I believe, with great potential to transform our lives in a luminously permanent way.

Then I felt like I was supposed to be alone. Confirmation arrived that the cremation would take place on "Corpus Christi" day and I spent the night alone.

Thursday – June 3, 2010

God’s Body ("Corpus Christi") Day

Body Cremation Day and Tribute to João Mateus

When I woke up, the information came to me that no priest should be present at the tribute to João Mateus before the cremation. I spoke to Albertino, raised my voice until he listened, and that's how it was decided.

I was the first person to arrive at the cemetery and went to talk to the people who take care of the cremation space. I found out what I had to know, spoke to some people who were arriving and thanked God that Albertino was taking care of the bureaucratic details.

The cremation was in the olive groves cemetery, the place of olive trees, a tree that symbolizes peace and I went to sit in the shade of one. Drinking water. Albertino and Rosário and a few family members accompanied the body from the Institute of Legal Medicine to the cemetery. It was wonderful to have the company of my friends in the olive tree while I waited for them and Klaus.

And then… the body arrived in its little pine boat, the body dressed in a white cotton tunic, splendid, with fresh flowers around it. One detail, the body could no longer have the Light of João Mateus inside. I felt this deeply. I naturally found my space in the room, with Klaus on my side and his daughter, Jackie, on the other side. We did a meditation with the help of a dear friend, and then people started arriving.

Initially I felt that this could be a moment of great atonement for the pain of the people who were there, and I started to sing intuitively, without thinking about anything other than light. The songs were the ones I sang in the last few days alone, and with the group that had followed the process and sung every day near the hospital. It was beautiful… I said everything I felt on a deep level. How I saw his body. Klaus also said what he felt. We sang more. And sometimes Albertino also said what he felt and I just asked for help up there... the feeling was wonderful. I felt so much Light…

And the time came for the body to be cremated and I asked people to sing a song that talks about going to paradise in an indigenous language “Noiana noia nanoiana” and the truth is that we sang, then we went outside, we sang, we danced , with the heart… and when we finished, intuitively, the ashes were ready to be taken away. It even coincided with the intuition of burning cedar to cleanse the energy of the place. It was perfect!

And then we went to a place to lay the ashes. We did it in a group, next to rocks, in the sea. At the last moment I cried. What was left of João Mateus was completely surrendered.

A very special friend who was present at the tribute sent me a message a few days later: “Hello my love, I have no words… even today my tears flow, not with sadness but with happiness, even today I am on cloud nine, never before earth had been before similar masters, similar wisdom… what magic, João Mateus performed true miracles I felt the presence of Jesus the entire time, I describe how I saw him with his arms wide open to the air, all dressed in white from his neck came a veil between brown, beige, his face showed enormous joy and gratitude, as if his lips were showing gratitude for something like this happening on earth, João Mateus brought healing, brought new hope and just like Jesus did, he gave his earthly life to transform. I loved listening to João’s father, I loved listening to you, I loved everyone, my gratitude in words is not enough.”

And it’s true, that day, just like the days before, I felt loose, free, with the courage to be what I am, without thinking. This match helped me realize that it is possible for me to be genuine and courageous, especially when I just follow my heart, the Boat of Love.

A few days of rest followed with a group of friends in Alentejo with the help of the Angels, and I returned with Klaus to one of the most likely places where we conceived João Mateus. To write, meditate, close a cycle in consciousness, Peace and Love.

Something that has helped me A LOT throughout this process is food. I follow a Macrobiotic diet at the moment and my awareness remains quite high. The most emotional moments are when I’m tired and need my space. Thanks to João Mateus I know myself better and better, and I know what I need. I accept everything that comes from me and remain very alert and attentive. I’m at Service. If anyone wants to hear me talk about this story, with the aim of helping parents or people facing the process of Death, Departure, Returning Home, whatever you want to call it, I am available.

Before this passage, I wanted to write and give myself to the World but I didn’t know where to start, something was missing… a piece of the puzzle…

Thank you João Mateus, Great Master. Thankful for everything. Thank you Life. Thank you God.

I discovered that after accepting all the suffering, only Light comes, A LOT OF LIGHT.

About me:

Pilgrim of Life. Passionate and at the same time conscious woman. Girlish attitude and timeless wisdom – playfulness and serenity in one person. I have lived and undergone many transformations throughout my life. And I also have many beautiful and wonderful moments. I found a path of deep spirituality and I am on this path of awareness and acceptance. I want to learn to fly by continuing to walk through life, sharing my life lessons with anyone who wants to hear them.

Why this testimony?

I was a full-time mother for two years and crossed the desert, gaining great maturity. After eight months of adapting to the School, “my” son decided to leave.

I wanted to follow my path and he followed his. He escaped from the Golden Cage and flew up there.

In João Mateus’ departure experience, I felt like a Channel of Light from the Divine World to others. And I felt the presence and Help of many Beings of Light.

And I continue on the Path of Light, practical and spiritual, Forgiveness and Gratitude. Serving.

My experience with Reiki marked me in two very strong moments, after becoming a mother. In reiki 1 I received a very powerful and very clear message from God for me and my process: “Whatever you do, you will always have one more opportunity (a second chance)”. In reiki 2 I received the message, also very clear, from my Higher Self “Go, continue your work of helping to build Paradise on Earth”

"All Paths Lead to the Heart"

21 de dezembro de 2019

Reflection, Inspiration and Gratitude

This Winter Solstice I gave myself the time and space to reflect on this year that is coming to an end.
It started with a list of the material things I accomplished, it matured in a shamanic journey where I connected with the year from my heart and spirit.
After all this richness came the wish to acknowledge all that has inspired me and thank it.
So here goes what inspired me, especially this year:

Friends - life is better with you. Having the courage to love and be loved by many people. Thank you.

Music (listened to more music than usual and created everyday (starting in March) from my heart a short intuitive song (2/3 minutes) with the help from my shamanic drum. Delightful. I also created singing circles that touched my heart deeply. I will keep some moments of pure simplicity, group power, magic, connection, pure love and strong union from this year in my heart forever. Thanks to music. 

Drawing. This year I drew the Metatron for the first time in my life after 9 years of learning Sacred Geometry. I also taught it to small groups of people. It inspired me in expanding the light and confidence within.

Nature. One of the greatest inspirations in my life. Connecting with the birds, listening to them and giving them seeds every morning.

The beauty of the world. The beauty of people's hearts and physiognomy. Colours.

Inner peace. The ability to stop when the body asked for it and to let it all flow while finished all that I started.

Following my intuition and practicing it regularly. This is also one of the most inspiring sources in my life.

Children. Contact with their tenderness, creativity, spontaneity, authenticity, flowing energy, curiosity, interest for life, their deep, loose and beautiful gazing eyes. Their touch.

My parents and their amazing support.


Responding with ability to life.

Opening the hearts of some people.

Some private consultations where miracles happened.

Synchronicities of life: received so many signs.

Drinking my daily green smoothies is a huge inspiration in my life. Started this year and it makes me feel truly nurtured and expressing deep caring for me. It rises up my vibration.

Food. I love eating and this year I ate a lot! And felt delighted with all the delicacies that passed through my taste buds.

The stars. Playing the shamanic drum under the stars and feeling their energy coming down to my cells and into the planet.

Gratitude. Being aware of all the daily blessings of life and feeling deep gratitude to them.

Christmas. It was the most spirited Christmas of my life that I can remember of. Little acts of kindness towards others gave me the joy of seeing people's happiness written in their faces, changing from toughness into sweetness and pure beauty.

The classes I gave and received. It was a very balanced year of giving and receiving in this area.


Water. The sound of the sea and of the sources.

New friends.